
About Topsail Addiction Treatment

Topsail Addiction Treatment is the premier outpatient addiction treatment facility North of Boston. We understand that no two people and no two addictions are alike. Topsail will provide you with the tools and support necessary to help you throughout your recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Our licensed, professional staff will get to know you and help customize a treatment program to fit your personality, medical history, and goals for recovery.

We provide a safe and comfortable environment for addiction treatment and recovery from our offices in Andover, MA. We want to help serve Massachusetts and the greater New England community, who have been significantly impacted by the growing problems of substance abuse and alcohol addiction.

We are here to help you overcome the grip that alcohol and drugs have on your lifestyle and have several different drug and alcohol recovery and rehab programs ranging from full-day partial hospitalization to outpatient programs depending on your recovery needs.

  • Partial Hospitalization
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Outpatient treatment


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