Bupropion is most commonly known as the brand name Wellbutrin or Aplenzin.
There are several other types of antidepressants available such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), tetracyclic antidepressants, or dopamine reuptake blockers. It may take up to 6 weeks for the medications to work and in some cases, the medications may worsen the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Antidepressants can greatly impact and alter the mental health of those suffering from a mood disorder. With the help of a doctor, you can find the right medication that works for your brain chemistry and start to treat any negative symptoms of depression.
Antidepressant Dependence VS. Addiction
Although antidepressants can be helpful for managing symptoms of depression or other mental health disorders, they can also have negative effects, such as drug dependency or drug addiction. When an antidepressant medication is prescribed for a long period of time, or when being abused, a person is likely to develop a physical dependence to the drug.
Antidepressant dependence can be described as when an individual’s body and well-being has adapted to using the medications to function. The individual may experience withdrawal effects if they abruptly stop using the drug. You should always speak with your doctor first when considering discontinuing the use of antidepressant medications to avoid any dangerous withdrawal symptoms or health complications.
While drug addiction often causes a person to behave in destructive and compulsive ways, antidepressant dependency does not typically carry those same risks. People are often unaware of their drug dependency due to their medication being prescribed and monitored by a doctor, however, in other circumstances, dependency can lead to an addiction.
Many antidepressants have a risk of being addictive, especially when used incorrectly. Addiction to antidepressants can be diagnosed as a substance use disorder (SUD), ranging from mild, moderate, or severe. Antidepressant addiction is usually in conjunction with other drug addictions such as alcohol or cocaine and typically starts after someone has continuously abused the medication.
There are several types of treatment options available for both antidepressant dependence and addiction to help suffering individuals treat their mental health disorders and find alternatives to living a healthy life.