Men and women use alcohol and drugs for a variety of reasons. Their differing circumstances have an impact on things like the likelihood of recurrence. Gender-specific programs address the individual requirements of each gender to ensure they are on the right track to recovery.
Benefits of Gender-Specific Treatment
Men and women have distinct expectations and goals from addiction therapy, in addition to disparities in substance use. Another significant difference between the sexes is that women frequently begin taking drugs at lower dosages than males, and their drug usage also progresses more swiftly towards addiction. Women seek treatment sooner than men after becoming drug-dependent, but they have greater co-occurring psychological suffering, notably more mood and anxiety disorders. Men and women may have quite diverse reactions when it comes to getting treatment for drug or alcohol abuse. All of these variations are important and may necessitate specialized therapy to help men and women maintain long-term sobriety following rehab.
- Gender-specific programs provide several advantages to each gender, including:
- Gender-specific therapy for physiological, emotional, and relationship problems.
- Increased comfort since gender-specific therapy fosters a sense of trust and bonding among individuals of the same gender.
- Reduced sexual tension and distractions among male and female clients.
- Gender-sensitive support groups that encourage open conversation about social and cultural factors that might lead to substance abuse.
Men-Specific Treatment
When it comes to addiction treatment, men have unique requirements that are often related to masculine societal norms and stereotypes. Men are frequently hesitant to seek therapy because they are afraid of being judged or regarded as weak, and gender-specific programs can help male clients feel more at ease and welcomed. Men also take longer than women to open up and express their difficulties or emotions. As a result, certain therapeutic approaches are more beneficial to males than others. Men, for example, react better to therapeutic techniques that address particular thinking patterns and actions as opposed to introspection. Gender-specific therapy for males addresses men’s physiological, psychological, and emotional requirements.
Male sexual abuse is another important issue addressed by gender-specific treatment that is frequently ignored in standard treatment settings. Sexual assault is a very sensitive topic for men, and it may be dealt with more freely and honestly in a single-gender setting. Men-specific treatment programs provide an understanding atmosphere in which men can form connections and create a support network to achieve long-term recovery.
Women-Specific Treatment
When it comes to receiving treatment for alcohol and drug misuse, women have different requirements than men, which makes women-specific programs a suitable option for some. In a secure and supportive atmosphere, women are able to talk with one another about topics such as parenting, job issues, relationships, and family life.
Women seeking treatment for addiction following a traumatic incident may benefit the most from gender-specific programs. Women who have been physically, verbally, or sexually assaulted by a man may not feel secure expressing their experiences in group therapy with male patients. Abuse typically concerns a woman’s sense of self-worth and value, and female patients may be uncomfortable addressing these subjects in a group with men. Mothers who are addicted to drugs or alcohol might also benefit from gender-specific therapy. It can be tough to be away from children while in treatment, but with the help of other women and experts, female clients are able to talk about what it’s like to have an addiction while attempting to care for their children.
Get Help Today
Every person is affected differently by substance addiction. Gender-specific treatment programs give men and women the tools and treatment approach they need to overcome drug misuse. If you think you can benefit from a gender-specific treatment program, get in touch with a specialist treatment provider right away for further information.