Librium is another highly potent and addictive Benzodiazepine used to help treat anxiety disorders, insomnia, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. While this prescribed medication can have a massive impact on diagnosed individuals overall mental health and well-being, it has a long history of being misused and abused, causing negative, dangerous side effects and possible addiction.

Understanding Librium (Chlordiazepoxide)

Librium is a Benzodiazepine drug also known as Chlordiazepoxide, that acts on the brain and the central nervous system (CNS) to produce a calming effect. It does this by binding to and enhancing a certain brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that works to slow down the CNS.

Librium is most commonly prescribed to treat different anxiety disorders, acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and insomnia. This medication has a high rate of becoming habit-forming and therefore, dependency and addiction are likely to occur. Though this Benzo can reduce anxiety, calm stress, and improve sleep, it is typically only prescribed for short-term due to its high potential of being abused.

Librium Effects and Abuse

Like most other pharmaceutical drugs, there are several side effects to taking Librium. Side effects will be enhanced and worsen when the drug is abused. These effects can include headache, drowsiness, nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, and constipation.

When used short-term and appropriately, these symptoms are likely to be mild and temporary. However, because of its calming effect, many people abuse Librium. Any type of use that is not from a doctor’s script, is considered abuse. This can include:

  • Using Librium without a prescription or taking it longer than prescribed
  • Increasing the dosage amount to enhance the effects
  • Combining other drugs such as alcohol with Librium to enhance the effects

Abusing Librium significantly suppresses the central nervous system, causing increased sedation. This act can lead to severe and dangerous health consequences. When taking large amounts of Librium, the abuser should expect to experience cognitive impairments and a massive decrease in heart rate and blood pressure.

Other common negative side effects from abusing Librium include:

  • Increased anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Black-out episodes
  • Jaundice
  • Liver issues

In severe cases of abuse, such as when mixing Librium with other CNS depressants, like alcohol or other Benzodiazepines, the user may experience life-threatening respiratory issues and failure which may result in overdose or death.

Signs of a Librium overdose include:

Extreme drowsiness

  • Slowed reflexes
  • Black-out episodes
  • Confusion
  • Coma

A Librium overdose can quickly become fatal without the help of medical support. Contact 911 immediately if any signs of a Librium overdose are present.

Librium Addiction

Although Librium is a prescribed short-term medication, is it still highly possible to develop an addiction to the drug even when using it for medical purposes. Librium addiction typically arises after developing a tolerance to the drug (requiring more of the drug to reach the same effects), or by abusing it. Signs of a Librium addiction are similar to most other Benzo addictions and include:

  • Librium abuse (using without a prescription, taking larger amounts, or mixing with other drugs)
  • Falsifying symptoms or doctor shopping to obtain more Librium
  • Lying about Librium use
  • Engaging in risky and illegal behavior to obtain more Librium
  • Obsessing over Librium and how to obtain more
  • Inability to quit despite a desire to
  • Financial issues due to drug use
  • Neglecting personal responsibilities (work, school, etc.)

A Librium addiction is a serious mental health disorder and may require professional help to treat. Withdrawal effects may occur after a long-term user stops taking the drug, and professional support is always advised to prevent health complications. Withdrawal effects may include increased anxiety, irritability, depression, vomiting and nausea, sweating, loss of appetite and drug cravings.

In more severe cases, the withdrawal effects can include seizures, psychosis, hallucinations, tremors, and memory loss. When left unmanaged, these symptoms can lead to fatalities. Medical supervision and detox support are always advised when quitting the use of Librium to prevent life-threatening results from withdrawal.

Librium Addiction Treatment

Librium is a short-term use Benzodiazepine used to treat mental health disorders such as anxiety and insomnia. Due to its calming and sedative effects, it is often abused leading to addiction. If you are struggling with a Librium addiction, get help today. Contact Quit Addiction Now at (888-974-2973) for support in treating your addiction.

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