Fentanyl Comes in a Variety of Brand Names and Forms
Actiq: Atiq comes as a flavored lozenge. It is traditionally given to individuals to treat pain associated with cancer.
Duragesic: Duragesic is a fentanyl patch given to people with opioid tolerance. It is not prescribed as a solution to constant pain or moderate pain symptoms. It is designed to be worn directly on the skin and replaced every 72 hours.
Sublimize: Sublimaze is an injectable form of fentanyl designed to be administered in a hospital setting by a medical professional for treatment of severe pain both in and out of surgery.
Subsys: Subsys is a sublingual medication sprayed under the tongue. It used as an alternative to Actiq for management of cancer pain.
Abstral: Abstral is a quick-dissolve tablet or spray used to treat mild to moderate short-term pain symptoms included but not limited to headaches, migraines, and medical surgery.
Lazanda: Lazanda is a nasal spray used to treat cancer pain. It is available in three different strengths (100 mcg, 300mcg and 500mcg) and can be taken every 2 hours.
On the street, fentanyl is also known as, Apache, TNT, Crush, China Girl, and Dance Fever.
Fentanyl Abuse and Its Consequences
The belief that synthetic opioids are generally safer than illicit drugs like heroin makes the abuse of these substances all the more dangerous. For example, if a person believes their medication to be safe, they may be more inclined to take more without consulting their doctor. They may also ignore the signs of opioid dependency even when the signs are clear.
The unfortunate truth, is that Fentanyl misuse can cause several physical and mental health problems including: