What is Wellbutrin (Bupropion)? 

Bupropion, marketed as Wellbutrin, is an antidepressant that is FDA-approved for the treatment of depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and nicotine addiction. It is also used to treat obesity, ADHD, sexual dysfunction, and bipolar illness.

Wellbutrin works by re-balancing brain chemicals to correct problems caused by the imbalance. It is available in tablet form (extended-release, sustained-release, and immediate-release) and should be taken whole. Bupropion has been used effectively to assist individuals in stopping smoking under the trade name Zyban. When taken for this purpose, it decreases nicotine cravings and alleviates withdrawal symptoms.

People who use Wellbutrin for medical reasons are unlikely to become addicted, although it is possible. When taken in excessive dosages, bupropion may provide energizing effects similar to a cocaine high, and there have been cases of individuals misusing it to get high.

Bupropion is an antidepressant, however it acts differently from other regularly used antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, such as Zoloft and Prozac) or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) (SNRIs, e.g., Effexor and Cymbalta). Bupropion raises norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the brain but has no impact on serotonin.

Bupropion brand names include: 

  • Wellbutrin 
  • Aplenzin 
  • Zyban 

Is Wellbutrin Abuse Addiction Common? 

Antidepressants such as Wellbutrin are among the top three drugs administered in the United States. While some individuals only take them for a few weeks, others take them for years, frequently getting addicted to the benefits they produce. 

Although Wellbutrin is safe to take when under the direct supervision of a doctor, it has been abused recreationally. Although the tablets are intended to be consumed whole, most persons who misuse Wellbutrin do so by chewing them or smashing them and snorting the powder. They may alternatively dissolve the powder in water and inject it, which has a number of dangers, such as infection, blood vessel damage, and other complications. 

By misusing Wellbutrin in this manner, users avoid the drug’s sustained or extended-release characteristic, and as a consequence, the brain encounters a quick surge of neurotransmitters, resulting in stimulant effects. Many individuals misuse Wellbutrin by taking very high dosages to get high. Misusing Wellbutrin in any form may result in hazardous and serious side effects, as well as a rise in tolerance, dependency, and addiction. 

What Are the Side Effects of Abusing Wellbutrin? 

Dry mouth, drowsiness, headaches, anxiety, trouble staying or getting asleep, weight loss, ringing in the ears, frequent urination, vomiting, lack of appetite, nausea, constipation, and excessive perspiration are some of the recognized adverse effects of bupropion. 

Seizures, disorientation, irregular heartbeat, aches in a specific muscle or joint, hallucinations, and confusion are some of the most dangerous adverse effects. 

Those who encounter adverse effects such as fevers, rashes, blisters, chest discomfort, hoarseness, hives, chest pains, or swelling in the face, ears, neck, or legs should contact their doctor as soon as possible and seek emergency medical attention.

Wellbutrin Addiction Treatment 

After completing a detox program for bupropion (Wellbutrin) addiction, a person may enter a rehab center to continue addiction therapy. The major goal of a Wellbutrin rehab program is to analyze the underlying reasons for addictive behavior and to transform harmful attitudes and behaviors to match a sober lifestyle. 

Clients in Wellbutrin rehab work with a skilled team of addiction treatment professionals, counselors, and therapists to discover the underlying reasons for Wellbutrin addiction. 

  • Learn more about addiction illness. 
  • Work through your trauma and shame. 
  • Learn useful life skills. 
  • Learn and use relapse prevention techniques. 
  • Make contact with other sober folks. 

Attending individual and group counseling sessions, engaging in in-depth 12-step work, attending educational lectures, and participating in specialized treatments such as music therapy or art therapy all help to reach these goals. 

Symptoms of Wellbutrin Withdrawal and Detox 

Antidepressants that influence serotonin levels in the brain often cause more severe withdrawal symptoms. Bupropion (Wellbutrin), on the other hand, does not influence serotonin levels. Hence withdrawal symptoms are typically minimal. If a person becomes addicted to Wellbutrin, they will suffer withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking it abruptly. Typical Wellbutrin withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Irritability 
  • Excessive agitation 
  • Aggressive and hostile conduct 
  • Suicidal ideation 

Although Wellbutrin withdrawal does not normally cause severe symptoms like other antidepressants, completing detox and withdrawal under medical supervision is prudent. Suicidal thoughts and actions may not occur with all withdrawal episodes, but having a medical and therapeutic team on-site to give expert aid and care is critical.

In addition to averting medical catastrophes, a medical detox program for Wellbutrin detox and withdrawal minimizes the likelihood of relapse by gently reducing a person’s bupropion dosage to wean them off the antidepressant gradually. This strategy reduces the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms and allows a person to attain sobriety at a safe and comfortable pace. 

Following the completion of Wellbutrin detox, treatment personnel may even offer continued care for individuals who want to continue their addiction therapy with rehab or a sober living program. 

Get Help Today for Wellbutrin Abuse or Addiction

You should get help if you or a loved one is misusing Wellbutrin and are experiencing signs of Wellbutrin abuse, dependency, or addiction, then contact Quit Addiction Now (888 564-4780) to learn about the resources and treatment options available to you. 

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