
About The Golden Rule, Inc.

The Golden Rule, Inc., is a long-term, residential treatment center for women who suffer from alcohol and/or other drug abuse/addiction. Located on 30 acres in rural Western Taylor County, Georgia, our spiritual program is based on the twelve steps of Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous. Through love, growth and understanding one’s self,
these women become changed individuals. The Golden Rule Inc. is a ministry which offers a structured curriculum to help a new woman evolve from the old one within.

Our counselors help the client reach the desired changes and incorporate them into her new way of life. Our resident to counselor ration is 7:1 allowing ample time for our counselors and the women and their families to get to know each other by more than just a name. Individual, group and family counseling is offered as a part of our program. We also use the twelve steps of Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous and attend NA and AA meetings.

  • Inpatient treatment for Women

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