
About Sober 4 Life – CJO House

CJO House is a men’s sober living community that offers a healthy living environment for people like my brother who are committed to getting back on track to a healthy, productive and happy life. The home offers a structured, therapy-oriented living environment for recovering male addicts who are serious about learning to develop a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. We believe a very necessary part of fighting opioid and other addictions is the availability of an Enhanced Model of Sober Living Residence to all men and women in recovery. Medical Insurance only pays for a limited amount of residential rehabilitation.

The Sober 4 Life Enhanced Model is a sober living residence that has achieved remarkable results and has so far reduced the relapse rate of its residents dramatically. The significant reduction in relapse rates support the belief that the added focus of Nutrition & Fitness for recovering addicts and alcoholics improves success rates significantly.

  • Residential Treatment
  • Sober Living Home


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